Thursday, January 27, 2011


This is story my friends. My besties ever. They are original Penangite. But seems after school moment we girls rarely meet and this is because some of us has move to another state , continue studies out from the Island and few of us starts on working life. But once the semester leave comes, we did manage to meet each other  for so long not meeting one another. Gossiping , sharing, naughty-talk, etc is a routine went we chicks are together. Normally, we went shopping mall to shops on some stuff for those who need something for their next semester.
I just love them. They are so amazing friend I ever had. Nothing to be hide. Can be trusted Who are they? Here they are.
The Crazy Mental's !
Yeah , I & Ain the one who suggest this craziest name of the group. Do we crazy enough? Absolutely,we are!


Hurm, now seems I'm working in Putrajaya. I really damn missing them a lots. Yeah , they did SMS-ing , calling , Facebook-ing , chit chatting etc too. But the environment of being together setting down spending time togehter is the best part. I'll always did went back to Penang went they are in Penang too. Coz I miss them. No matter what happen we will meet each other.  Hey,girls I MISS YOU like hell! Owh god, help me!

Attacking CGL! Jom pi SEKOLAH!
Hanging out at QB after attend Hidayah & Hafizah wedd 

Waiting EcQa *dush*
Padang Kota Lama
Hockey? Rindu!! Ni lah padang sekolah yg port lepak kiterorg.
"hepi besday,Ein"
 *Suprise party 4 her @ the sea side*.

cafe @ Petronas - Arina!! cepat lik!!
I also do have beloved sister  n friend that are always surrounds  me went I'm in up and down condition. Even tho I just only got to know them awhile. Guess only 6 months.DELL? All happen and begins happen here. Faizah & Lalitha ! Untill today, went I am having problems and I create problems - so I am a troublemaker? They are the one giving advise not stop and really understand me well too. How to describe who am I?  YOU can get the info from them. My girls are the most right person to ask.  At school , Bainun is my lil junior that are  same hard-hearted like me and very stubborn but best lil kiddo to entertain. Well even the girls don't know each other , but coz of me who love to gather in a big group ,...yeah they can click and friends too. It's fun to have them around me. I wish I can be with them every second and day and night. I U girls! Missing so badly.
TEDDY BEAR - Lalitha
ecQa , ein , iLa , ieNa , wAny , fiEy ,byn00n , l0li , K.piJa etc - GUA WINDU SAMA LU ORANG!

Seriously, i miss them all time day and night. Wishing they are here. I will never get this kind of friend anywhere. They are the best among the best. Thank GOD for giving me them for awhile to know each other. No one can replace them. Coz we don't care what people think of us , what we know is we must enjoy and have fun went we do hang out. Letting go all the tense out. Like recently i was in relationship with Iena? Coz this we are the crazee gurls. Crazy Mental - "every day is crazy day". But now seems like every day is tearing days to most of us. Why are this happening? Oppsss , sorry comment! HaHa..

In a relationship with ?? wth?
Hoping this friendship will last long and never ever ends no matter what happen  must stick together.
I U girls! 

forever !!

Lepas baca entry singgah la ke ruang komen , dan seKLIK  juga, TQ.


  1. (on behalf ain) she cant comment so i copy paste

    nur ain Alaudin :

    When friends are forced to be apart
    from each other for whatever length of time, it will be a difficult period for
    the two of them. They will be forced to go through their normal routines apart
    from each other. Each one may miss the qualities that the other contributed to
    the friendship. There is a saying that, "absence makes the heart grow
    fond". This may be an opportunity for each of them to realize how
    important each one is to the other's life. They will miss each other, and long
    for the time when they can be together again.

    nur ain Alaudin (:

    I really appreciate what u’ve wrote…

    im sorry if we cant chat
    like those time but trust me, ur always in my tots…

    im sorry if we seldom
    sms or talk, but u’ll always be my best fren..

    n if u need me anytime,I’ll
    be there for u.. if im not by urside,but I can lend my ears for u..

    n no matter what happen
    in the future, ur my ever best fren n will always luv u till the end!!!!

  2. bestnye hang out ngn kawan2 kan?
    rindu la dgn kawan2 kite. T_T

  3. Ain: thank for following eventho xde blog (coming soon,rite?) Friends 4ever love u too baby.

    Nida: a'a best klu dpt hang out those frens but ms xmgisikn n keadaan.. being apart hukhuk.. ;-(


Thank you for commenting on my words.
May Allah bless me and you , Ameen

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